Monday 12 January 2015

Life Skills- Reach A Hand Uganda

Ntensibe Edgar Michael- Life skills- Reach A Hand Uganda       World Health Organisation defines life skills as the abilities for adaptive & positive behaviour that enable individuals deal effectively with the demands and challenges of daily life.

In truth, life skills enable someone make informed decisions about societal issues, render help to other people in need of improving on their interpersonal skills and maintaining of relationships with people. They can be utilized in quite many areas such as drug abuse prevention, sexual violence, teenage pregnancies, HIV/AIDS prevention and suicide prevention, as well.

Young people are empowered to take positive action to protect themselves, promote better health and encourage positive social relationships.

Adolescents suffer with major issues in their lives which is a reason of a collection of factors. Most of them are due to having parents for role-models that do the exact opposite of guiding their children in the right direction. This breeds ground for indulgence in social vices like smoking, promiscuous sex, regretted pregnancies, drug and alcohol abuse...

Adolescents can develop  these life skills right from childhood to effectively face these real-life challenges, encourage their fellow peers to make better decisions and promote proper responsibility for their actions.